This is the complete list of members for SQLRConnection, including all inherited members.
autoCommitOff() | SQLRConnection | |
autoCommitOn() | SQLRConnection | |
begin() | SQLRConnection | |
bindFormat() | SQLRConnection | |
clientVersion() | SQLRConnection | |
commit() | SQLRConnection | |
dbHostName() | SQLRConnection | |
dbIpAddress() | SQLRConnection | |
dbVersion() | SQLRConnection | |
debugOff() | SQLRConnection | |
debugOn() | SQLRConnection | |
disableEncryption() | SQLRConnection | |
enableKerberos(var service, var mech, var flags) | SQLRConnection | |
enableTls(var version, var cert, var password, var ciphers, var validate, var ca, var depth) | SQLRConnection | |
endSession() | SQLRConnection | |
errorMessage() | SQLRConnection | |
errorNumber() | SQLRConnection | |
getBindVariableDelimiterAtSignSupported() | SQLRConnection | |
getBindVariableDelimiterColonSupported() | SQLRConnection | |
getBindVariableDelimiterDollarSignSupported() | SQLRConnection | |
getBindVariableDelimiterQuestionMarkSupported() | SQLRConnection | |
getClientInfo() | SQLRConnection | |
getConnectionPort() | SQLRConnection | |
getConnectionSocket() | SQLRConnection | |
getCurrentDatabase() | SQLRConnection | |
getDebug() | SQLRConnection | |
getLastInsertId() | SQLRConnection | |
identify() | SQLRConnection | |
nextvalFormat() | SQLRConnection | |
ping() | SQLRConnection | |
resumeSession(var port, var socket) | SQLRConnection | |
rollback() | SQLRConnection | |
selectDatabase(var database) | SQLRConnection | |
serverVersion() | SQLRConnection | |
setBindVariableDelimiters(var delimiters) | SQLRConnection | |
setClientInfo(var clientinfo) | SQLRConnection | |
setConnectTimeout(var timeoutsec, var timeoutusec) | SQLRConnection | |
setDebugFile(var filename) | SQLRConnection | |
setResponseTimeout(var timeoutsec, var timeoutusec) | SQLRConnection | |
SQLRConnection(var server, var port, var socket, var user, var password, var retrytime, var tries) | SQLRConnection | |
suspendSession() | SQLRConnection | |