Class SQLRCursor


public class SQLRCursor extends Object
  • Field Details

    • cursor

      public long cursor
      cursor and connection are used internally, they're just public to make the JNI wrapper work faster.
    • connection

      public SQLRConnection connection
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • delete

      public void delete()
    • setResultSetBufferSize

      public void setResultSetBufferSize(long rows)
      Sets the number of rows of the result set to buffer at a time. 0 (the default) means buffer the entire result set.
    • getResultSetBufferSize

      public long getResultSetBufferSize()
      Returns the number of result set rows that will be buffered at a time or 0 for the entire result set.
    • dontGetColumnInfo

      public void dontGetColumnInfo()
      Tells the server not to send any column info (names, types, sizes). If you don't need that info, you should call this method to improve performance.
    • getColumnInfo

      public void getColumnInfo()
      Tells the server to send column info.
    • mixedCaseColumnNames

      public void mixedCaseColumnNames()
      Columns names are returned in the same case as they are defined in the database. This is the default.
    • upperCaseColumnNames

      public void upperCaseColumnNames()
      Columns names are converted to upper case.
    • lowerCaseColumnNames

      public void lowerCaseColumnNames()
      Columns names are converted to lower case.
    • cacheToFile

      public void cacheToFile(String filename)
      Sets query caching on. Future queries will be cached to the file "filename". A default time-to-live of 10 minutes is also set. Note that once cacheToFile() is called, the result sets of all future queries will be cached to that file until another call to cacheToFile() changes which file to cache to or a call to cacheOff() turns off caching.
    • setCacheTtl

      public void setCacheTtl(int ttl)
      Sets the time-to-live for cached result sets. The sqlr-cachemanger will remove each cached result set "ttl" seconds after it's created, provided it's scanning the directory containing the cache files.
    • getCacheFileName

      public String getCacheFileName()
      Returns the name of the file containing the cached result set.
    • cacheOff

      public void cacheOff()
      Sets query caching off.
    • getDatabaseList

      public boolean getDatabaseList(String wild)
      Sends a query that returns a list of databases/schemas matching "wild". If wild is empty or NULL then a list of all databases/schemas will be returned.
    • getTableList

      public boolean getTableList(String wild)
      Sends a query that returns a list of tables matching "wild". If wild is empty or NULL then a list of all tables will be returned.
    • getColumnList

      public boolean getColumnList(String table, String wild)
      Sends a query that returns a list of columns in the table specified by the "table" parameter matching "wild". If wild is empty or NULL then a list of all columns will be returned.
    • sendQuery

      public boolean sendQuery(String query)
      Sends "query" and gets a result set.
    • sendQuery

      public boolean sendQuery(String query, int length)
      Sends the query in file "path"/"filename" and gets a result set.
    • sendFileQuery

      public boolean sendFileQuery(String path, String filename)
      Sends "query" with length "length" and gets a result set. This method must be used if the query contains binary data.
    • prepareQuery

      public void prepareQuery(String query)
      Prepare to execute "query".
    • prepareQuery

      public void prepareQuery(String query, int length)
      Prepare to execute the contents of "path"/"filename". Returns 0 if the file couldn't be opened.
    • prepareFileQuery

      public boolean prepareFileQuery(String path, String filename)
      Prepare to execute "query" with length "length". This method must be used if the query contains binary data.
    • clearBinds

      public void clearBinds()
      Clear all bind variables.
    • substitution

      public void substitution(String variable, String value)
      Define a substitution variable.
    • substitution

      public void substitution(String variable, long value)
      Define a substitution variable.
    • substitution

      public void substitution(String variable, double value, int precision, int scale)
      Define a substitution variable.
    • countBindVariables

      public short countBindVariables()
      Parses the previously prepared query, counts the number of bind variables defined in it and returns that number.
    • inputBind

      public void inputBind(String variable, String value)
      Define an input bind variable.
    • inputBind

      public void inputBind(String variable, String value, int length)
      Define an input bind variable.
    • inputBind

      public void inputBind(String variable, long value)
      Define an input bind variable.
    • inputBind

      public void inputBind(String variable, double value, int precision, int scale)
      Define an input bind variable. (If you don't have the precision and scale then they may both be set to 0. However in that case you may get unexpected rounding behavior if the server is faking binds.)
    • inputBindBlob

      public void inputBindBlob(String variable, byte[] value, long size)
      Define an input bind variable.
    • inputBindClob

      public void inputBindClob(String variable, String value, long size)
      Define an input bind variable.
    • defineOutputBindString

      public void defineOutputBindString(String variable, int bufferlength)
      Define a string output bind variable.
    • defineOutputBindInteger

      public void defineOutputBindInteger(String variable)
      Define an integer output bind variable.
    • defineOutputBindDouble

      public void defineOutputBindDouble(String variable)
      Define a double precision floating point output bind variable.
    • defineOutputBindBlob

      public void defineOutputBindBlob(String variable)
      Define an output bind variable.
    • defineOutputBindClob

      public void defineOutputBindClob(String variable)
      Define an output bind variable.
    • defineOutputBindCursor

      public void defineOutputBindCursor(String variable)
      Define an output bind variable.
    • substitutions

      public void substitutions(String[] variables, String[] values)
      Define an array of substitution variables.
    • substitutions

      public void substitutions(String[] variables, long[] values)
      Define an array of substitution variables.
    • substitutions

      public void substitutions(String[] variables, double[] values, int[] precisions, int[] scales)
      Define an array of substitution variables.
    • inputBinds

      public void inputBinds(String[] variables, String[] values)
      Define an array of input bind variables.
    • inputBinds

      public void inputBinds(String[] variables, long[] values)
      Define an array of input bind variables.
    • inputBinds

      public void inputBinds(String[] variables, double[] values, int[] precisions, int[] scales)
      Define an array of input bind variables.
    • validateBinds

      public void validateBinds()
      If you are binding to any variables that might not actually be in your query, call this to ensure that the database won't try to bind them unless they really are in the query. There is a performance penalty for calling this method.
    • validBind

      public boolean validBind(String variable)
      Returns true if "variable" was a valid bind variable of the query
    • executeQuery

      public boolean executeQuery()
      Execute the query that was previously prepared and bound.
    • fetchFromBindCursor

      public boolean fetchFromBindCursor()
      Fetch from a cursor that was returned as an output bind variable.
    • getOutputBindString

      public String getOutputBindString(String variable)
      Get the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable.
    • getOutputBindBlob

      public byte[] getOutputBindBlob(String variable)
      Get the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable.
    • getOutputBindClob

      public String getOutputBindClob(String variable)
      Get the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable.
    • getOutputBindAsByteArray

      public byte[] getOutputBindAsByteArray(String variable)
      Get the length of the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable.
    • getOutputBindInteger

      public long getOutputBindInteger(String variable)
      Get the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable as a long integer.
    • getOutputBindDouble

      public double getOutputBindDouble(String variable)
      Get the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable as a double precision floating point number.
    • getOutputBindLength

      public long getOutputBindLength(String variable)
      Get the length of the value stored in a previously defined output bind variable.
    • getOutputBindCursor

      public SQLRCursor getOutputBindCursor(String variable)
      Get the cursor associated with a previously defined output bind variable.
    • openCachedResultSet

      public boolean openCachedResultSet(String filename)
      Opens a cached result set. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
    • colCount

      public int colCount()
      Returns the number of columns in the current result set.
    • rowCount

      public long rowCount()
      Returns the number of rows in the current result set (if the result set is being stepped through, this returns the number of rows processed so far).
    • totalRows

      public long totalRows()
      Returns the total number of rows that will be returned in the result set. Not all databases support this call. Don't use it for applications which are designed to be portable across databases. -1 is returned by databases which don't support this option.
    • affectedRows

      public long affectedRows()
      Returns the number of rows that were updated, inserted or deleted by the query. Not all databases support this call. Don't use it for applications which are designed to be portable across databases. -1 is returned by databases which don't support this option.
    • firstRowIndex

      public long firstRowIndex()
      Returns the index of the first buffered row. This is useful when buffering only part of the result set at a time.
    • endOfResultSet

      public boolean endOfResultSet()
      Returns 0 if part of the result set is still pending on the server and 1 if not. This method can only return 0 if setResultSetBufferSize() has been called with a parameter other than 0.
    • errorMessage

      public String errorMessage()
      If a query failed and generated an error, the error message is available here. If the query succeeded then this method returns NULL.
    • errorNumber

      public long errorNumber()
      If a query failed and generated an error, the error number is available here. If there is no error then this method returns 0.
    • getNullsAsEmptyStrings

      public void getNullsAsEmptyStrings()
      Tells the connection to return NULL fields and output bind variables as empty strings. This is the default.
    • getNullsAsNulls

      public void getNullsAsNulls()
      Tells the connection to return NULL fields and output bind variables as NULL's rather than as empty strings.
    • getField

      public String getField(long row, int col)
      Returns a pointer to the value of the specified row and column.
    • getField

      public String getField(long row, String col)
      Returns a pointer to the value of the specified row and column.
    • getFieldAsInteger

      public long getFieldAsInteger(long row, int col)
      Returns the specified field as a long integer
    • getFieldAsInteger

      public long getFieldAsInteger(long row, String col)
      Returns the specified field as a long integer
    • getFieldAsDouble

      public double getFieldAsDouble(long row, int col)
      Returns the specified field as a double floating point number
    • getFieldAsDouble

      public double getFieldAsDouble(long row, String col)
      Returns the specified field as a double floating point number
    • getFieldAsByteArray

      public byte[] getFieldAsByteArray(long row, int col)
      Returns a pointer to the value of the specified row and column.
    • getFieldAsByteArray

      public byte[] getFieldAsByteArray(long row, String col)
      Returns the length of the specified row and column.
    • getFieldLength

      public long getFieldLength(long row, int col)
      Returns the length of the specified row and column.
    • getFieldLength

      public long getFieldLength(long row, String col)
      Returns the length of the specified row and column.
    • getRow

      public String[] getRow(long row)
      Returns a null terminated array of the values of the fields in the specified row.
    • getRowLengths

      public long[] getRowLengths(long row)
      Returns a null terminated array of the lengths of the fields in the specified row.
    • getColumnNames

      public String[] getColumnNames()
      Returns a null terminated array of the column names of the current result set.
    • getColumnName

      public String getColumnName(int col)
      Returns the name of the specified column.
    • getColumnType

      public String getColumnType(int col)
      Returns the type of the specified column.
    • getColumnType

      public String getColumnType(String col)
      Returns the type of the specified column.
    • getColumnPrecision

      public long getColumnPrecision(int col)
      Returns the precision of the specified column. Precision is the total number of digits in a number. eg: 123.45 has a precision of 5. For non-numeric types, it's the number of characters in the string.
    • getColumnPrecision

      public long getColumnPrecision(String col)
      Returns the precision of the specified column. Precision is the total number of digits in a number. eg: 123.45 has a precision of 5. For non-numeric types, it's the number of characters in the string.
    • getColumnScale

      public long getColumnScale(int col)
      Returns the scale of the specified column. Scale is the total number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. eg: 123.45 has a scale of 2.
    • getColumnScale

      public long getColumnScale(String col)
      Returns the scale of the specified column. Scale is the total number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. eg: 123.45 has a scale of 2.
    • getColumnIsNullable

      public boolean getColumnIsNullable(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column can contain nulls and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsNullable

      public boolean getColumnIsNullable(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column can contain nulls and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsPrimaryKey

      public boolean getColumnIsPrimaryKey(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column is a primary key and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsPrimaryKey

      public boolean getColumnIsPrimaryKey(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column is a primary key and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsUnique

      public boolean getColumnIsUnique(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column is unique and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsUnique

      public boolean getColumnIsUnique(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column is unique and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsPartOfKey

      public boolean getColumnIsPartOfKey(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column is part of a composite key and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsPartOfKey

      public boolean getColumnIsPartOfKey(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column is part of a composite key and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsUnsigned

      public boolean getColumnIsUnsigned(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column is an unsigned number and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsUnsigned

      public boolean getColumnIsUnsigned(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column is an unsigned number and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsZeroFilled

      public boolean getColumnIsZeroFilled(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column was created with the zero-fill flag and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsZeroFilled

      public boolean getColumnIsZeroFilled(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column was created with the zero-fill flag and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsBinary

      public boolean getColumnIsBinary(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column contains binary data and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsBinary

      public boolean getColumnIsBinary(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column contains binary data and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsAutoIncrement

      public boolean getColumnIsAutoIncrement(int col)
      Returns true if the specified column auto-increments and false otherwise.
    • getColumnIsAutoIncrement

      public boolean getColumnIsAutoIncrement(String col)
      Returns true if the specified column auto-increments and false otherwise.
    • getColumnLength

      public int getColumnLength(int col)
      Returns the length of the specified column.
    • getColumnLength

      public int getColumnLength(String col)
      Returns the length of the specified column.
    • getLongest

      public int getLongest(int col)
      Returns the length of the longest field in the specified column.
    • getLongest

      public int getLongest(String col)
      Returns the length of the longest field in the specified column.
    • suspendResultSet

      public void suspendResultSet()
      Tells the server to leave this result set open when the connection calls suspendSession() so that another connection can connect to it using resumeResultSet() after it calls resumeSession().
    • getResultSetId

      public short getResultSetId()
      Returns the internal ID of this result set. This parameter may be passed to another cursor for use in the resumeResultSet() method. Note: the value returned by this method is only valid after a call to suspendResultSet().
    • resumeResultSet

      public boolean resumeResultSet(short id)
      Resumes a result set previously left open using suspendSession(). Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
    • resumeCachedResultSet

      public boolean resumeCachedResultSet(short id, String filename)
      Resumes a result set previously left open using suspendSession() and continues caching the result set to "filename". Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
    • closeResultSet

      public void closeResultSet()
      Closes the current result set, if one is open. Data that has been fetched already is still available but no more data may be fetched. Server side resources for the result set are freed as well.
    • getDatabaseListWithFormat

      public boolean getDatabaseListWithFormat(String wild, int listformat)
    • getSchemaListWithFormat

      public boolean getSchemaListWithFormat(String wild, int listformat)
    • getTableListWithFormat

      public boolean getTableListWithFormat(String wild, int listformat, int objecttypes)
    • getColumnListWithFormat

      public boolean getColumnListWithFormat(String table, String wild, int listformat)