a firstworks project
SQL Relay
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Source Distribution

The current release is sqlrelay-2.1.0.tar.gz or sqlrelay-2.1.0.zip. You will also need rudiments-2.0.2.tar.gz or rudiments-2.0.2.zip

First build and install Rudiments, then build and install SQL Relay. Older releases of SQL Relay and Rudiments are also available.

Binary Distributions

The binary distribution for Linux includes x86_64 RPMs for SQL Relay and Rudiments for Fedora 40 and 39, and CentOS/RHEL 9 and 8. It also includes DEBs for Ubuntu 24.04 and 22.04.

The binary distribution for Windows includes installers for x86 and x86_64 versions of SQL Relay and Rudiments.

Download the SQL Relay Binary Distribution for Linux or the SQL Relay Binary Distribution for Windows.

Just extract the distribution and install the appropriate packages for your platform. Or, see the enclosed README for detailed instructions.

FreeBSD Port

SQL Relay is available as a FreeBSD port. To install all available packages related to SQL Relay:

pkg install sqlrelay py27-sqlrelay

NetBSD Package

SQL Relay is available as a NetBSD package. To install available all packages related to SQL Relay:

pkgin install sqlrelay sqlrelay-sqlite sqlrelay-pgsql sqlrelay-odbc sqlrelay-nodejs sqlrelay-mysql sqlrelay-freetds ruby22-sqlrelay ruby21-sqlrelay ruby200-sqlrelay py27-sqlrelay php56-sqlrelay php55-sqlrelay p5-sqlrelay

Source Snapshots

To clone the SQL Relay GIT repo, run:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/sqlrelay/sqlrelay

Note: you'll probably need to clone the Rudiments GIT repo too:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/rudiments/rudiments

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